About/Credits - Dr. Mowinckels akuttmottak (drmowinckel.com)

About the site:
Dr. Mowinckels akuttmottak is a Kaizers Orchestra fansite. It was bulit and is run by Henning Klokkeråsen, with a little help from a few other dedicated fans.

It was started in 2002 as a way of gathering various information and news about Kaizers Orchestra found around the Net and elsewhere, and has since grown to become the largest and most comprehensive Kaizers fansite. In late 2003 it became interactive, when other fans could join to become a mafia member, and take part in the forum and other fan goodies.

Written and said about DMA

-Me har mange sånne fansider. drmowinckel.com for eksempel. Den er så full av sånn nerde-info. De vett mer om oss enn oss sjøl. Den er helt skremmande detaljert.
(Janove Kaizer, Lydverket, NRK P3, 16.Aug.05)

-Akuttmottaket er uten tvil med på å heve nettstandarden for Kaizers fra høy til veldig høy, er dommen til Roy Tore Jensen, webmaster for Kaizers offisielle sider.
(from kaizers.no, 27.Jul.03)

Go to: Contact Form

The DMA Team:
Concept, Ideas, Programming, Design, Content: Henning Klokkeråsen (web, contact)
Design, Graphics, Ideas: Vidar Westrum (web).
Ideas and Inspiration: Truls Søbakk
Ideas, Inspiration, English translations: Angelo Cannavo (web).
German Translations: Susi S. (web) and Shirin (web).
Design Tips, Resistansen: Endre Larsen
Corrections, Graphics: Hanne Smevik (web)

Thank you:
PHP hints and tips: Arthur Louie (web)

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